The Practice Log - The Foolproof Way to Plan, Follow & Evaluate Your Practicing & Progress
Feeling lost about what and how to practice? Need a clear path with a plan? Then this is the eBook for you!
Buy once and copy it and use it for the rest of your life.
The Practice Log takes you through a very efficient system by asking a bunch of important questions. After you've done that, The Practice Log will help you shape your goals with this instrument. Only after that can we construct a practice schedule. You most know were to travel before you can arrive there...
So the last chapter of The Practice Log is exactly that: A digital practice log, where you also evaluate your practicing through a smart system.
Here's what Thomas Lang has to say about The Practice Log:
"This book is a perfect tool for all musicians to streamline their practicing. It will help you focus your practice, work with goals in mind and practice more efficiently. The book sets you up to pursue your ambitions with a clear plan and a proven method.
If you ever felt that your approach to practicing was too random and disorganized, then you need Richard Sandström’s The Practice Log to increase your practicing results on a daily basis."
A PDF with instructions on how to use the eBook + The Practice Log interactive eBook